Format for 3MT 2021
3MTcompetitions should conform to the rules set out by the University of Queensland at It is important that the University of Queensland’s revised criteria is applied to all 3MT competitions. Judges will be scoring using the revised criteria.
The 3MT branding guidelines publicised by the University of Queensland should be followed on all web pages, printed and other materials associated with local competitions.
Guideline on the Format of 3MT at CoS Level
Depending on the number of participants (> 7 participants), there shall be at least two rounds of competition namely the preliminary and final rounds. More round could be introduced based on suitability.

It is encouraged to have the preliminary round to be conducted in sequence and judged by the same 3 judges (max). A break between the rounds shall be given for the judges to deliberate on the results and fill up the result form (as attached). (Note: Judges can discuss in breakout room)
In order to avoid bias, the judges for the final round shall be from different set of judges (max. 5 judges) if possible.
At the end of the final round, the judges have to make the selection of the top 3 participants to represent the CoS. Please fill up the final result form (as attached) and send it to CPA the University level competition, there would be 2 categories in which, the best of each category plus the judges’ choice will be decided and announced.The final list of representives from IIUM at National level 3MT competition, however will be decided by a special committee formed at CPS level.
The categories are:
Category 1 (Arts )
- Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws
- Kulliyyah of Economics And Management Sciences
- Kulliyyah of Education
- Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences
- Kulliyyah of Languages And Management
- Kulliyyah of Architecture And Environmental Design
- International Institute of Islamic Civilisation And Malay World (ISTAC)
- Institute of Islamic Banking And Finance
Category 2 (Science )
- Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences
- Kulliyyah of Medicine
- Kulliyyah of Nursing
- Kulliyyah of Science
- Kulliyyah of Pharmacy
- Kulliyyah of Information And Communication Technology
- Kulliyyah of Engineering
- International
Institute For Halal Research And Training