Process Flow
Depending on the number of participants (> 50 participants), there shall be at least two sessions of competition namely the parallel semi-final and final sessions.

- Each session is divided into 4 rounds ( result in 4 winners + 1 judges’ choice)
- Each session is divided into 4 rounds ( result in 4 winners + 1 judges’ choice)
- The winners from each sessions shall compete in the final session.
- 2 grand prize winners from the finalists shall be chosen to represent Malaysia

The parallel semi final session shall be conducted by category namely the Science, Social Science and Engineering and Technology categories and the final session shall combine all.
It is encouraged to have the parallel semi final session to be conducted in sequence and judged by the same (max) 3 judges. A break between the rounds (max. 2 minutes) shall be given for the judges to deliberate on the results and fill up the result form.
In order to avoid bias, the judges for the final round shall be from different set of judges (max. 5 judges)
At the end of the final session, the judges have to make the selection of the winners from each categories and grand prize winners to represent Malaysia at the Asia-Pac 3MT competition. The two (2) grand prize winners shall be decided based on the quality of presentation which support the solution to global issue.
The two (2) grand prize winners shall not be from the same University.